Thursday, July 24, 2008

Smart -- very Smart

Went to see "Get Smart" today. I think it's one of the better re-boots of the old 60's shows (and there aren't that many left, really; perhaps I should option "My Mother the Car" before it's too late). Steve Carell hits all the marks, The Rock is at his best being a bit self-parodying, and Alan Arkin is a pro as always. It's a fun, silly, well-crafted movie.

One flaw, of course, is that the credits were missing the DC unit. Which means yours truly once again, is denied the thrill of a name on the screen. Alas.

Speaking of my films, I see that the trailer for "Red" is out. I'd read the book, and enjoyed it. It appeared from the sides that I read that the script was almost word-for-word from the book, and all of the scenes in the trailer seem familiar. I know it made it to Sundance, but I am unaware if its been picked up.


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