Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tick tock

Only a few days left. We're cramming scenes in like commuters on a Tokyo commuter train -- there's always room for one more. Last night I was told, suddenly, that we were to shoot the shower scene, the one scheduled for Sunday night. Of course, the location with the shower had no shower head. I was a aware, and one of the things I was supposed to pick up at Home Depot on Sunday was a new head; being told at 3AM that I needed one in 45 minutes created a slight dilemma -- but I actually found one. Installed it in minutes, noticed that it leaked like sieve, took it apart, repaired it with rubber bands and super glue, and put it back together, only to be asked on radio if we "have options for a different shower head." It's 3AM! The shot wasn't on the callsheet! Sheesh.

We wrapped on a Sean Whalen today (pictured), a very nice fellow who was perfect for his role. He brought in an enormous pile of cookies for the crew -- a nice touch.

Tonight I have to have another house dressed. It's close to being done, but there are a few remaining issues, such as smalls, curtains, photos, etc. Call time is 7PM, and it's 2 right now. I should be asleep, but a marching band rolled through the neighborhood an hour or so ago, and I can't seem to drop off again. Might as well head over to set now. That will of course mean another 18-19 hour day, but what the hell, this is why I get the big bucks (but not a Starbucks in the morning; apparently my Production Designer title isn't quite impressive enough to the young fellow who does the the coffee runs; he brings one for the director, the producers and the DP. No respect, I tell you, no respect!)


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