Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm getting too old for this shite

I'm not quite the oldest person on the set, but I'm in the top five. And with the exception of the effects supervisor, I'm pretty sure I work the most hours. That's a tough combination; the 21-year olds can do fine on 19 hours of physical labor after three hours of sleep, but those days are behind me. Plus I'm a notorious stress eater, and given that I operate in panic mode 90% of the time on this project, I'm gobbling down junk food like Rosanne at Hershey Park.

Yep. 19 hours. Our producer gave us a little pep talk on Monday about how we were going to run "a little long" over the next night. Call time was 7PM, wrap was 2:10PM. I was working about three hours before call, and three hours after wrap. Ouch. Too tired to sleep now, and need to be back on the set at 7:30AM on Wednesday, dress and build until 7:00PM, then cover the set for another 12 hours. I'm treating myself to one beer as a I write this, and it's not the crappy Natty Bo that we took from the set today, it's a nice cold Sierra Nevada. Of course, I can see the Natty Bo neon sign from where I'm sitting -- my rooftop deck -- and since it's 71 and beautiful out, for once, I'm pretty content. A cigar would be great right now, but my throat is a bit too raw. Half the crew was hacking and coughing today. The DP sounded like E.T., and the scripty pretty much coughed continuously for 19 hours.

Had a little spat with the construction supervisor today. De juro he works for me, but de facto he is best friends with the line producer, so it's sometimes difficult to task him. There are only seven shooting days left, and not that much construction to do, so perhaps I'll actually get through this thing.

After eating a pound of peanut M&M's a day, of course...


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