Sunday, November 18, 2007

Where's the love?

So when your home teams are pretty bad (Orioles, Redskins, Nationals) you try to live vicariously through other games. Often, it's not a matter of rooting for someone else, but rather rooting against the disliked teams. As I've said before, I really dislike the Steelers. Even though Cowher is gone, that stupid corporate logo remains on (one side) of their helmets. And their thuggish, classless tendencies remain. So last week I found myself cheering for a team about which I am completely neutral: The Cleveland Browns. A final second, 52-yard field goal by the Browns came up short, and the Steelers once again backed into a win.

So what happens this week? Same kicker, same length, same situation, and he hits the upright, it bounces behind the crossbar, then back into the field. The officials look at each other, the Ravens start to leave the field, and I'm saying "Wow, never seen that before." The officials finally sorted it out, and imho made the right call: When the ball crossed the plane of the upgrights, it was a completed field goal, and what happened afterwards was immaterial.

Still. A hard way to lose a game. As I type this, the Redskins are up 7-0 in Dallas. So maybe my week won't be a complete loss.


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