Thursday, June 19, 2008

City Life, Part 33

The Girlfriend grew up in the Bronx, and went to college in Boston.

I grew up in rural Fauquier County, Virginia, and went to college in Fredericksburg. In the former, you parked in the field. In the latter, we had parking lots. So the art of parallel parking was a difficult one for me to master.

But man, as bad as I am, I can't compare with this woman...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Some hate it hot

So the first day of shooting stills for the BBC production "In the Loop" was uneventful. We were inside the old terminal at National Airport ("Why do you call it 'National' instead of 'Reagan,'" asked one of the Brits. "Tradition. Same reason I call JFK 'Ildewild.'"). I love the old terminal. It's one for the few ones remaining that really hearken back to the old days of aviation, when flying was something special, and not just an exercise in humiliation by TSA agents. And of course the fact I once lived in a house that was designed by the same architect, Charles Goodman, will always leave a soft spot.

But most importantly, it was nice and cool inside the airport. I got fussed at by an actor for messing up his eyeline, and he was right to chastise me. I apologized and we had some nice conversations after that; the fact that I thought he was fantastic as King George III in HBO's "John Adams" -- which he had not yet seen -- probably helped.

Saturday, not so much. Once the fog burned off of NW DC, the Brits started melting. None of the had experience, I'm guessing, that charming combination of 99 degrees and 85% humidity, or whatever the hell it was that day. We went inside for a while, then banged out some shots outside The Black Cat. Then inside the club, which was deliciously cool.

Monday was mostly interiors, at the Hyatt. We ventured outside only briefly.

Then came Tuesday. Base camp was outside DAR, and at my 7:30AM call time it was already approaching 85. This was not going to be fun.

I just can't describe that heat. Fortunately for me, I was only lugging around a couple Nikon bodies and a dozen or so lenses. The poor grips, electrics, props and set people were carrying around their normal boxcars of stuff. And the actors -- they were dressed in dark, conservative, State Department type suits, and they were running. And not complaining. Some real pros on this shoot -- and some wickedly funny comedic actors to boot. I almost blew the first take in my professional career, trying to stifle a laugh at one bit of improv. I am really looking forward to this one coming out. Maybe they'll come back and shoot again.

In October. Yeah. Or March.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Still(s) the one

Yay -- a gig shooting stills again. It's been a while. Four days for a BBC production about the run-up to the Iraq war. Mostly British crew, British actors, ad-libbed script, and very funny. Fortunately I'm still stealthy with my blimped Nikons -- only got run into once, and that was by the boom operator, who's about 11 feet tall anyway.

Early call tomorrow -- sleepy time.