Frozen Derry
I've long shared Zippy's fascination with funky 50's architecture, especially the fun, kitschy Googie style. Is there a site where Zippy's (or more accurately, Griffy's) drawings are identified? Because if I'm not mistaken, this is the long-lost Frozen Dairy Bar that used to sit alongside US Rt 50 just west of Falls Church, VA. It has since been replaced with a CVS (Yes, we need more of those!). And it reminds me a great deal of Carl's in Fredericksburg (which I'm happy to report is still going strong; in fact I introduced The Girlfriend to this landmark only a few weeks ago). 20 years ago at MWC, you knew it was truly Spring when Carl's re-opened for the season.
Zippy would approve.
Nice Blog! I live in fredericksburg well actually spotsy. But I was surprised to run into your blog and see karls mentioned in your post.
Take care!
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