Monday, February 06, 2006

More clever than I!

Regular readers (both of you) know that I sometimes read the comics. For me, they're like a car crash, I hate myself for looking -- most of them are just so, so awful. The profession basically ended with the last frames of The Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes, as far as I'm concerned.

Still, occasionally a gem pops up. A great site called The Comics Curmudgeon, written in a dry, hilarious style that I wish I had, pokes fun and analyzes these little bits of art almost every day (although Josh has been AWOL for most of the past couple weeks -- tsk). His comments on the unbelievably preachy "For Better or For Worse," the utterly imcomprehensible "Gil Thorp," and the just-plain-weird "Phantom" are his best work, imho.

A few weeks ago I even did my own lame attempt at bringing some humor to a "Spiderman" comic. But The Talent Show blog has done a truly fine job of skewering "Malard Filmore." I once read that good parody fools 50.1% of your audience (think "This is Spinal Tap" or "Best in Show"). "The Talent Show" has managed to capture that angry-but-still-not-quite-serious "humor" of Mallard (if, of course, you find cartoons about women drowning to be humorous, but I digress).

Hell, I don't even know how he got the font to match...


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