Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Scoring the Oscars

Of the major categories, I got them all right except for Best Picture -- never saw "Crash" coming. I happened to like it better than Brokeback, but the films are so radically different, they're hard to compare. Both were quality films, and I really like that they were shot on the cheap; the indie revolution continues.

I missed Best Foreign Language film: Was sure that "Paradise Now" would win, but, as The Girlfriend correctly pointed out, it's pro-Palestinian (hell, one could call it pro-terrorist and not be completely off base) position might not ring well with some of the older Academy Members. I'll have to check out Tsotsi, it sounds interesting.

I missed on some of the "lesser" categories, like animated films and shorts (not a one of which I'd seen). Got documentary right -- duh; anyone who's seen "Penguins" would have known it was a shoo-in. Was pleasantly surprised that "Pimp" got best song, and I was really amused to hear the New and Improved lyrics ("... and a whole lot of witches jumping ship." Oh my.)

In my quest to see all the major nominees, I came up one short: Pride and Prejudice is sitting on my shelf. Ah well, last year I missed one film as well. Considering the spread this year, that ain't bad.

For grins, check out the Washington Post's discussion about the Oscar winners; half the participants haven't even seen the movies, and appear to be quite proud of the fact. Am I missing something?


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